Monday, April 23, 2012

13 Week Checkup

Well, we went to a new doctor today. It was very interesting. He interesting guy to say the least. We got another ultrasound and the baby is looking more and more like a baby! The subchorionic hemmhorage is still there...and still bleeding out. The doctor said the bleeding will stop at 20 weeks. That seems like forever away!! They didn't really tell us anything new that we hadn't already heard before. Oh, except that they are moving my due date up 3 days to October 25th, but that really isn't a huge deal. Morning sickness has pretty much been non existent this week, which was a huge relief. I only got nauseous a few times (mainly when Brandon was cooking........). This week is finals week, and oh boy, I am ready to be done! I have 3 more performances this week plus 2 finals and then freedom for the summer!! We are so excited that the weather is so nice now--Brandon is already planning a camping trip with the neighbors. We don't have another appointment for a month, but I may decide to update next week or the week after depending on how things are going. They may have little to do with the cleaning out the piano room to make room for the baby or something along those lines. Until next time!


  1. this is the same time I had my first ultrasound, 13 weeks! Loved that you can see their features already! I will miss the weekly ultrasounds!

  2. Hooray! It's so nice to be able to see them in there, looking relatively person-like. I had the first ultrasound at 8 weeks, because I had an irregular cycle & we didn't know how far along I was, so that ultrasound was to determine my due date. I didn't get another ultrasound until I was 21.5 weeks! It seemed like for...ev...ER (because it was), so I didn't get to see James looking like James until then. I'm so glad you have something cute to stare at while you wait for the next one! :)
