Monday, March 5, 2012

6 Week Ultrasound

Well, we went in for the ultrasound early this morning! It was great fun! Ok, I'll just cut right to it...but i'll give you the good news first. We saw the baby and the yolk sac, which was really exciting! We even got to see the heart beating, which was even more exciting!! The doctor wasn't expecting to see the heart, but we definitely did. And now for the not so good news...we saw another "lump" which was bigger than the baby's "lump" and my first thought was, "Oh no! Twins!!" But the doctor said since it was a weird shape (not like the baby's lump) that it was most likely some fluid, which she said is probably blood. Awesome, right? So now I have a huge pocket of blood in my uterus that shouldn't be there and she said there's not really a way to take care of it. Sometimes it fixes on its own, sometimes you'll bleed, and sometimes you'll bleed and miscarry. So I am supposed to pretty much not do anything that takes any strength so that the latter doesn't happen. We have another ultrasound in a week...I really hope that 2nd lump will be gone with the 1st lump still growing...


  1. I love having ultrasounds! Seeing that tiny little life inside of you is unreal. And, I love, love seeing the heartbeat. What a miracle!! We are still praying very hard for you!!

  2. so glad you got to see your little baby AND see the heartbeat! Praying that pesky lump goes away!

  3. Did they name the blood lump? I am wondering because I had the same thing in both my pregnancies and it was a subchorionic hemorrhage. They are surprisingly common and my doctor said would probably be even more common if they did routine early ultrasounds. With my first mine was very large and I bled a lot for over a month but the baby stayed healthy! I hope that is all it is because they rarely lead to miscarriage even if they are large. However they do take major precaution. Since mine was large I was put on full bed rest until it started to shrink and therefore heal. I am surprised you got to see the heartbeat this early so I think that is a good sign. Hope this week goes smoothly and next weeks ultrasound brings happy news!

    1. No, she didn't give it a name, but after I googled it, subchorionic hemorrhage kept popping up everywhere. Luckily no bleeding yet (just a bit of spotting last week). She did tell me I can't do much, but didn't completely put me on bed rest.

    2. Honestly I was terrified when I had mine and it was large but it was pretty harmless. Just don't get nervous if you do start to bleed even if it is a large gush (sorry if that is tmi). Just call your doctor and demand an ultrasound immediately if she doesn't suggest it. Best of luck. Glad things are going smoothly!
