Monday, January 9, 2012


Brandon got really fed up with my doctor and called her himself to see if we can get any tests done. And guess what....!?!? The doctor said she thought I had already taken the tests! How funny! Not. So I will be going in next week for them to check my progesterone level. Apparently the first time they tested my levels I was miscarrying so that's why it was so low. So that will hopefully be at the end of this week or beginning of next week. The doctor also ordered an ultrasound of my uterus to see if it is a weird shape. I'm not able to have that one done until later this month or early next month though. But the fact that tests are ordered and scheduled is a HUGE step in the right direction! Oh, and the doc also said they have tested to see if my thyroid is normal and it is. But I am excited that we may finally get some answers after a year of nothing! Wish us luck!


  1. Must feel so great to be moving forward to find out answers! Keep us updated and let us know if we can do anything for you. Still praying for ya!

  2. Yay!! If there is anything we can ever do for you, let us know!!

  3. That is great and the best place to start! My low progesterone levels seem to be the reason I can't stay pregnant long enough. My mom had low levels early pregnancy but a shot a week kept her from miscarrying. Hopefully that is all it will take with you! Who is your dr, If you don't mind me asking?

    1. Hopefully we'll find out today how my levels are! I went in on Friday to have them check. I go to Valley OBGYN. I guess the main doctor who I talk to is Jen Booth. She hasn't really been fantastic...

  4. we went through a lot of testing too..good luck! THe only thing I hated was when we actually talked to a OB about it (I had previously gone to my normal doctor) some of the tests were not necessary cuz you can tell the same thing from other tests that I also got done. Anyway, my doctor is not the greatest anyway. But Hopefully you get some answers! I was glad we got some of the tests done, it did provide answers for us and results! :). We are praying for you guys!

  5. I hope that you finally start getting some answers! I'm also sorry to hear that you don't like your OBGYN. I went to Dr William Parker at Central Utah Clinic in American Fork. When we had a miscarriage before getting pregnant with James, he & everyone at the clinic was more than fantastic. If you are looking to get a better doctor, I hope that this recommendation helps. (Here's a link, in case it helps:

    I hope that everything goes well.
