Thursday, June 9, 2011

Moving Up in the World!

Work, work, and more work!
Seems like that's about all we do these days! I am still teaching piano lessons, but things slow down QUITE a bit over the summer (only 9 students!)...not sure why though. Who doesn't want to practice the piano every day for the whole summer?? So I decided to go job hunting about 2 months ago. Actually I really only applied at one place--Vivint. I applied for a couple different departments and picked Tech Support as my final answer. It's been a long month and a half, but it has been enjoyable. It's a great company to work for! I guess I was telling Brandon how awesome it was so much that he got jealous and went and applied there, too! So he starts on Monday with training. He got a job in the Account Resolutions department which should be fun...(having people yell at you all day saying they want to cancel sounds like fun, doesn't it?) He quit his night job at UPS last week and tomorrow is his last day at his grounds job on BYU campus. It will be nice to have the evening together now. Brandon worked at UPS for an entire year (boy, am I glad he's done working there!).
We are now all settled into our new little apartment. Last weekend, we moved to the apartment right above the one we were in. It is awesome! 2 bedrooms and way more storage everywhere! We feel like we're in a giant's house. The ceilings are a normal height and there are windows that the sunlight comes through! There are some pictures above.
I have a new project that I'm working on. I have been knitting like crazy recently and hope to be able to take a bag of knitted baby hats to the local hospital as soon as I can. I was on a roll for about a week and made one every day so I have about 10 already finished. I hope to double that and then I'll take them in. I'm also in the process of finishing 2 baby blankets which are taking forever to knit!
Right before we moved into our new apartment, we went shopping to DI to look at some furniture--bookcases, couches, etc. Well, while we were there...we didn't find any couches or bookcases. BUT....we did find an organ for $40!! So guess what!? We bought it! And it fits nicely in the second bedroom with the piano (which is my little piano studio where I teach lessons). It is awesome! It's not a super nice organ, but it works just fine. It's taking a little adjusting from the pipe organ I have to play at church, but it's really fun to play. I hope sometime when all my neighbors are awake to play the Phantom of the Opera theme song in the middle of the night and open all the windows. Hmmmmm. Maybe on Halloween......

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